Results Of the Commissioners Court Meeting of 05/14/2002

All agenda items approved as presented with the following exceptions:

Harris County Commissioners Court

Exceptions to May 14, 2002 Agenda





01 1.a.2 Public Infrastructure Item Withdrawn
01 1.a.6 Public Infrastructure Item Withdrawn
10 5.b Public Health & Env. Svs. Amount should read $3,330.00 instead of $1,080.00
12 7.d, e, f, g, & j Community Development Approve subject to review by Management Services Department
12 7.i Community Development Change verbiage from A...housing rehabilitation assistance...@ to A...home buyers assistance...@
13 7.r Community Development Refer to Management Services and County Attorney. Commissioner Radack moved, Commissioner Lee seconded a request that Management Services conduct a study of the Community Development Department and make recommendations to Court.
20 23.a.6 Auditor Withdraw revenue certification portion of item regarding $15,000 in funds received from the Rockwell Fund, Inc. for the Read for Your Life Program.
21 23.d.6 Purchasing Approve item subject to review by Management Services Department
25 24.a.12 Co. Judge Change from two employees to 2 Emergency Management employees and 2 employees of the County Judge=s office for a total of 4 people.
25 24.a.13 Co. Judge Change to two members of the Ryan White Planning Council and 3 employees of the Health Department for a total of 5 people at a cost of $2,200.00 each.
26 24.e.5 Comm., Pct. 4 Expand to include Comm., Precinct 2
27 25.b Miscellaneous Refer to County Attorney
27 27.h Appearances Re-set for May 21st meeting.


Commissioners Court Agenda - Acrobat Format

Commissioners Court Agenda - Word 97 Format